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Table 3 Relative energy content (heat of combustion)/carbon for TAG and starch

From: Comparative energetics and kinetics of autotrophic lipid and starch metabolism in chlorophytic microalgae: implications for biomass and biofuel production



Mass for an equivalent number of moles of carbon (330) in TAG and starch


6 moles TAG (C55H98O6) = 5124 g


55 moles glucose in starch (C6H12O6, monomer) = 8928 g


Energy content of an equivalent number of moles of carbon (330) in TAG and starch


330 C = 5124 g TAG x 38 kJ/g TAG = 194,712 kJ/330C

= 590 kJ/C

330 C = 8928 g starch x 15.5 kJ/g storage carbohydrate = 138,384 kJ/330C

= 419 kJ/C