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Table 3 Translocation and large deletion events found in GRAAL reassembly of T. reesei Rut-C30 with respect to QM6a

From: Proximity ligation scaffolding and comparison of two Trichoderma reesei strains genomes


Location on scaffolds (this study)

Location on scaffolds [15]

Mapping on QM6a chromosomes

n° 1

scaffold_2: 556 ± 22 kb

scaffold_2: 546,703 bp

chr III: 3,166,447

scaffold_4: 1,197 ± 25 kb

scaffold_4: 1,204,862 bp

chr I: 4,342,096

n° 2

scaffold_4: 750 ± 27 kb

scaffold_4: 748,277 bp

chr I: 3,885,511

scaffold_22: 138 ± 31 kb

scaffold_22: 139,515 bp

chr VI: 3,165,364

n° 3

scaffold_22: 138 ± 31 kb

scaffold_22: 139,476 bp

chr VI: 3,165,325

scaffold_48: 0 ± 35 kb

scaffold_48: 1667 bp

chr I: 5,018,020

Large deletion

Location on scaffold (this study)

Location on scaffold [14]

Mapping on QM6a chromosome

85-kb deletion

scaffold_15: 0–85 ± 25 kb

scaffold_15: 1,555–86,603

chr VI: 52,198–137,246

  1. Newly acquired 3C-seq data of T. reesei Rut-C30 strain were used to reassemble the reference genome. Comparison with QM6a reassembly allowed the identification of three chromosomal translocations and one large deletion. The position of these rearrangements is consistent with former work [14, 15]