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Table 1 Final volatile fatty acid yields of the blank and active reactors under acidic mesophilic, acidic thermophilic, basic mesophilic, and basic thermophilic conditions

From: Effect of pH and temperature on microbial community structure and carboxylic acid yield during the acidogenic digestion of duckweed


Acidic mesophilic

Acidic thermophilic

Basic mesophilic

Basic thermophilic

VFA yields (mg VFA as HAceq g VS −1added )


218 ± 7.7a

116 ± 28ab

256 ± 37a

86 ± 22b


55 ± 3.7a

117 ± 7.9b

388 ± 28c

341 ± 2.8d

  1. Mean VFA yields were compared separately for blank and active groupings using TUKEY test at a significance level of p < 0.05. Superscript letters indicate the resulting statistical groupings within reactor class