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Table 4 Mode of action for enzymatic hydrolysis of cellulose by enzymes from various classes

From: Stochastic molecular model of enzymatic hydrolysis of cellulose for ethanol production

Enzyme class

Mode of action

Endo-cellulase (EG, Non-processive with CBM)

• Carbohydrate binding module (CBM) binds to surface chains randomly and breaks bonds at catalytic domain (CD)

Endo-cellulase (EG, Non-processive without CBM)

• Breaks bonds on surface chains in a random pattern

Endo-cellulase (EG, Processive with CBM)

• CBM binds to surface chains randomly and break bond at CD


• Enzyme moves along the chain (towards non-reducing end or reducing end) and cuts every alternate bond releasing cellobiose until a minimum chain length is achieved

Exo-cellulase (CBH I, Processive)

• CBM attaches from reducing end only on surface chains and pulls the chain towards CD


• Chain passes through CD (tunnel like shape) and every alternate bond is broken to produce cellobiose


• Enzyme moves along the chain (towards non-reducing end) and cut every alternate bond until a minimum chain length is reached

Exo-cellulase (CBH I, Non-Processive)

• Attack from reducing end on surface chains and cuts every alternate bond to produce cellobiose

Exo-cellulase (CBH II, Processive)

• CBM attaches from non-reducing end on surface chains and pulls the chain towards CD


• Chain passes through the tunnel shaped CD and every alternate bond is broken to produce cellobiose


• Enzyme moves along the chain (towards reducing end) and cuts every alternate bond until a minimum chain length is reached

Exo-cellulase (CBH II, Non-Processive)

• Attack from non-reducing end on surface chains and breaks alternate bonds to produce cellobiose


• Acts on cellobiose and soluble oligomers (DP ≤ 6) and produce glucose by breaking bond

  1. CBM - Carbohydrate binding module CD - Catalytic domain.