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Fig. 6 | Biotechnology for Biofuels and Bioproducts

Fig. 6

From: 4D genetic networks reveal the genetic basis of metabolites and seed oil-related traits in 398 soybean RILs

Fig. 6

Gene regulatory network and 3D and 4D sub-networks in multi-dimensional genetic network. A Gene regulatory network. B TF regulatory module. C Multi-dimensional genetic network. D Examples for 3D and 4D sub-networks among candidate genes (green), TFs (blue), miRNAs (red), metabolites (pink)/lipids (purple), and oil-related traits (orange). Black line: associations between miRNAs and genes; green line: associations between TFs and genes; blue line: associations between a pair of genes; orange line: associations between metabolites/lipids and traits; red line: associations between miRNA/gene/TF and trait/metabolite/lipid

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