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Fig. 4 | Biotechnology for Biofuels and Bioproducts

Fig. 4

From: Genetic markers and tree properties predicting wood biorefining potential in aspen (Populus tremula) bioenergy feedstock

Fig. 4

Multivariate analysis of the potential relationships between wood properties and glucose release or TWG. a, b Orthogonal Projection to Latent Structure (OPLS) scatter plot showing separation in glucose release after pretreatment (a) and total wood glucose yield (b). The points on the scatter plot correspond to SwAsp genotypes, while their colour indicates the median for the trait in each genotype. The predictive component separates the lines along the X-axis of the scatter plot, while separation along the Y-axis is not predictive. c, d OPLS loadings plot for glucose release after pretreatment (c) and total wood glucose yield (d) in relation to wood chemical composition and wood anatomy traits. The bars indicate the coefficient (“weight”) of each trait in the OPLS model. The traits with positive values correlate positively and the traits with negative values negatively with glucose release after pretreatment (c) and total wood glucose yield (d). Predictive squared correlation coefficient (Q2) scores over 0.5 indicate significant predictivity of a model

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