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Fig. 2 | Biotechnology for Biofuels and Bioproducts

Fig. 2

From: Key genes of electron transfer, the nitrogen cycle and tetracycline removal in bioelectrochemical systems

Fig. 2

PCoA of the bacterial community (a). The anaerobic control without antibiotics was labelled AN. Chord charts of the top 10 bacterial communities at the phylum level in different treatments (b) and different areas (c). The last capital letter of the sample name represents the sampling area; for example, ANA represents area A of the AN treatment. Heatmaps of the bacterial community at the genus level in different treatments (d) and different areas (e). Networks of the potential functional bacteria at the genus level (f). Red and blue edges represent significant positive and negative relationships, respectively (p < 0.05, Spearman test), and the size of each node is proportional to the abundance of the corresponding bacteria

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