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Fig. 5 | Biotechnology for Biofuels

Fig. 5

From: Identification of novel metabolic interactions controlling carbon flux from xylose to ethanol in natural and recombinant yeasts

Fig. 5

Results from traditional MCA (a, b) and strain-to-strain MCA (c, d). a, b Display flux control coefficients (FCC) for q xylose and yield control coefficients (YCC) for Y xylitol, respectively. Note, in accordance with MCA theory FCC and YCC sum up to one (0.99 ± 0.02) and zero (0.01 ± 0.03), respectively [23]. Black and white bars represent data obtained for BP000 and CBS4435, respectively. c Shows the ratio of activity levels obtained for each reaction of CBS4435 (EACBS4435) and BP000 (EABP000) by parameter estimation analysis. Solid and dashed lines indicate ratios of 1 and 2, respectively. d Shows -fold changes on q xylose (full circles) and Y xylitol (empty circles) of BP000 due to individual changes of activity levels from the level obtained for BP000 (EABP000) to the level obtained for CBS4435 (EACBS4435). A ratio of 1 is indicated by the solid line. Positive (negative) values in a–d indicate an x-fold higher (lower) value relative to the reference value. Kinetic model obtained for BP000 was used as a reference in a–d

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